When we were in Colorado this summer, there was a pond near the road that the local moose loved to visit in the afternoon.
Ten or twelve of us photographed her from the road, but she didn't seem to mind. There was a barbed wire fence between us so perhaps she knew none of us would cross the fence to bother her.
One of people spotted her calf in some tall weeds on the other side of the pond. He or she was very well hidden.
My edited close-up is a bit blurry.
A day or so later she was back in the pond. Or at least a moose was in the same pond. I'm not sure if its the same moose. She also had a calf. This one looks older and bigger to me, but I'm no moose expert.
Moose are such amazing animals. Huge, too. I saw my first one in Maine in a state park pond. In Alaska I saw a momma moose and her calf very close to the Visitor's Center in Denali. Lots of people around, but at least no wolves to snatch her calf. So she was a smart moose.
I've made some moose inspired jewelry, too.
If you like moose jewelry, too, check out my Etsy shop to see what's currently available.