I'm gradually working my way into Steampunk. These first two pieces are part travel, part Steampunk. The necklace that I recently made, which I'll show another day, is totally Steampunk.
I found my first box at Marco's, my favorite paper arts store in Dayton. Originally it was a plain "suitcase", and I added the compass, Bon Voyage tag, side stitches, and fiber. It is a very tame Steampunk, and could be considered a straight a travel piece. But I like it a lot and use it to carry my jewelry when I travel.
It was the last tan one that the store had, and they have since told me they can't get any more. I've looked on the internet without success (so far), but I intend to keep looking.
My second attempt was much more Steampunk. I started with a box I bought at Hobby Lobby. I added the fiber, metal findings, and the paper stamps. One tag says "Thoughts" while another says "Dream". Good things to remember to do.
I haven't decided what I'll place inside this box. It's about the size of a deck of cards, but I'm not a card player. But I'm sure something will look good there. In the meantime, it was fun to make.
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